Monday, September 6, 2010

Male Breast Enlargement Due To Tagamet


In 40 to 60 percent of men, a condition known as gynecomastia can occur, according to cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr. PK Talwar ( Male breast tissue develops into more than what is considered normal and may occur in one breast or both. While the cause of gynecomastia is uncertain, drugs such as anabolic steroids, digitalis, spironolactone and Tagamet can increase the chances of this condition. Obesity, marijuana and alcohol use may also contribute.

Tagamet and How It Works

Tagamet (cimetidine) is a drug that helps reduce excess stomach acid. While stomach acid is essential in the process of digestion, large amounts can cause peptic ulcers and acid reflux, which can create a burning sensation referred to as heartburn. Tagamet reduces the amount of acid and allows stomach ulcers to heal. Tagamet aids in preventing indigestion and is used to prevent and treat ulcers that occur as a side effect from other drugs.


Tagamet may have an impact on normal male hormones, specifically in their growth and regulation. According to The New York Times Health Guide, male characteristics such as having a deep voice or hair growth are created by hormones called androgens. While men have androgens and estrogens, Tagamet can the change the levels, causing enlarged breasts. See a doctor when the onset of gynecomastia becomes noticeable. It is also best for males to avoid taking Tagamet because of the possibility of increasing the production of estrogen and interrupting the male hormone cycle.

Psychological Effects

A man may feel embarrassed and self-conscious about having enlarged breasts, which may lead to anxiety because he may feel he will be ridiculed for a condition he may not have much control over. As part of his sexual identity, he may feel abnormal or less masculine, since enlarged breasts are typically attributed to women.


Gynecomastia will generally go away within a year, as long as you are not using Tagamet or similar medication, but can sometimes take longer. Surgery, medicines and herbal remedies are treatments offered, but surgery can be costly and may leave scarring. The makers of the herbal remedy Gynexin claim the product burns fat around the nipple and breast. Treatment with Gynexin typically lasts four to six months. Medications such as Tamoxifen and Raloxifene (used to treat breast cancer) may help in reducing breast size in men, the Mayo Clinic says.

Alternatives to Tagamet

Changes in lifestyle and diet can help to reduce indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn--and ultimately lead to not having to use acid reducers such as Tagamet. Eat smaller meals; avoid coffee, tea, soft drinks and similar acid-building beverages; reduce intake of tobacco and alcohol; don't eat within two hours of going to sleep; and don't lie down after a meal. A daily dose of vitamin C, buffered to help reduce acid, and licorice root also can relieve heartburn.

Tags: enlarged breasts, acid reflux, help reduce, stomach acid