Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Methods Of Breast Cancer Diagnosis

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States, after skin cancer. Detection and treatment of breast cancer have made great strides in recent years. This is largely credited to the boosts researchers have gotten from public awareness and fund-raising campaigns.


Mammograms are the first step in breast cancer detection and are used as a screening method. If a mammogram shows any abnormalities, other tests will be performed.

Breast Ultrasound

An ultrasound of the breast is typically performed when a lump is found. This gives doctors an idea of whether the lump is a tumor or just a fluid-filled cyst.

Breast MRI

This test uses a dye injection and radio and magnetic waves to create an image of the inside of the breast. This allows for visual examination of the lump and surrounding breast tissue.

Breast Biopsy

Final confirmation of a breast cancer diagnosis comes from a biopsy of breast tissue. This determines whether abnormal cells are malignant and provides a sense of how aggressive and how far along the cancer is.

Determining the Extent

Once breast cancer is diagnosed, the doctor must determine whether the cancer has spread elsewhere. Further tests may include bone scans, blood tests, CT scans, MRIs, PET scans, X-rays and lymph node biopsies.

Tags: breast cancer, breast tissue