Prepare the Breast for Breast-Feeding
During your pregnancy, your body will naturally prepare itself for breast-feeding - you don't need to do very much to prepare your breasts. But if you have very sensitive skin, inverted nipples, or flat nipples, there are a few things you can do to make the transition into new motherhood easier.
1. Gently massage a few drops of colostrum into your nipples every couple of days, starting a few weeks before your baby is born.
2. Apply pure lanolin cream to your nipples several times a day to soothe sore, tender skin after you begin nursing.
3. Keep the flaps of your nursing bra open whenever possible so that your breasts are exposed to air.
4. Ask your doctor, local La Leche League leader or local lactation consultant about the various methods you can use to draw out inverted nipples.
5. Attend a La Leche League or other breast-feeding support group during your pregnancy to get answers to any questions you might have before your baby arrives.
6. Get a good book about breast-feeding and read it during your pregnancy so that you'll have the information you need by the time your baby arrives.
Tags: your baby, your pregnancy, baby arrives, before your, before your baby