Friday, December 13, 2013

What Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer

What Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer?

Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon form of cancer of the breast. It doesn't produce lumps that can be detected on self-breast exam. Instead, the lymph nodes that help fight infection and eliminate toxins become blocked by cancerous cells. The result is breast pain and swelling, along with other symptoms. Inflammatory breast cancer is very aggressive. Only 1 to 5 percent of cancers of the breast are attributable to inflammatory breast cancer.


Inflammatory breast cancer affects women who are younger, compared to other forms of cancer of the breast. Family history may be a contributing factor, but the link is not definitely established and more studies are needed. IBC is more frequently diagnosed in African Americans than in whites.


Examination by a physician can provide visual clues that can help identify inflammatory breast cancer and the need for further diagnostic tests. Your doctor may order a noninvasive test called an ultrasound of the breast, biopsy or mammogram.


Inflammatory breast cancer that is advanced and may have spread to other organs is classified as stage IV cancer of the breast. Stage IIIB means the cancer cells are contained, or localized.


Inflammatory breast cancer symptoms include warmth, redness or purple discoloration, and swelling. The breast will feel firm and take on the appearance of an orange peel because of the accumulation of fluid that would normally be removed by the lymph nodes, which become blocked. Breast swelling can cause itching and burning as breast size increases. You may notice swollen lymph nodes. Because inflammatory breast cancer progresses rapidly, symptoms can worsen within weeks.


Chemotherapy, surgery, hormonal therapy and radiation are all useful to treat inflammatory breast cancer. Mastectomy to remove the breast may be recommended. Treatment options may depend on the stage of inflammatory breast cancer.

Tags: breast cancer, breast cancer, cancer breast, inflammatory breast cancer, lymph nodes, become blocked, Inflammatory Breast