Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Manage Fibroid Pain

Uterine fibroids are uterine growths that are benign. Many times fibroids are small and some women do not realize they have them. Sometimes fibroids can cause symptoms such as pelvic pain, incontinence and heavy menstrual bleeding. They can either grow inside or outside of the uterine cavity. A medical examination is necessary to evaluate the extent of a woman's fibroids and determine best manage fibroid pain.



1. Visit your doctor. She will need to perform a complete physical examination to determine the status of the fibroids. She may perform a pelvic examination and suggest an ultrasound, which is a procedure that visualizes internal structures, including fibroids, via sound waves.

2. Inquire about pain relief medication. Ask your doctor what types of pain relief medications are available to treat fibroid pain. He may write you a prescription for analgesic or anti-inflammatory medication, or suggest you take an over-the- counter pain relief medication if pain is minimal.

3. Ask about hormone therapy. Fibroids are fueled by estrogen. Your doctor may prescribe hormonal therapy to decrease estrogen levels and shrink the uterine fibroids. As the fibroids shrink in size, there will be less pressure and pain. Many large fibroid tumors press on surrounding structures such as the bowel or bladder, causing severe pelvic or abdominal pain.

4. Try a heating pad. A heating pad is very effective for many types of pain, including fibroid pain. Place the heating pad over the painful area to soothe away any discomfort. Do not set the heating pad on the highest setting because you may burn your skin.

5. Take a warm bath. A warm soothing bath may help manage fibroid pain. Warm water not only helps reduce the pain of fibroids, but it can also relax you.

Tags: pain relief, fibroid pain, fibroid pain, manage fibroid, manage fibroid pain, pain relief medication, relief medication