Monday, January 18, 2010

Pay For College Living Expenses

You did it! You've been accepted into college, and you have the cost of tuition and books covered. Then it dawns on you: you don't have a clue pay for living expenses while you're attending college. Calm down; there are plenty of options when it comes to paying for your college living expenses. With a little self-evaluation and a dose of imagination, you'll learn the life skills of paying for your living expenses.


1. Inquire with your school financial office to see if you qualify for any grants that offer a living stipend while you're attending college full time. Often there are government programs to help with your living expenses.

2. Consider a student loan to pay for living expenses. Although this will mean you will graduate already in debt, if it means the difference between finishing your education or not, then you should take advantage of the loans offered.

3. Check the college bulletin boards for available jobs. Often employers will look for college students for part-time job openings and understand the stress of working around class schedules, so they will accommodate your work hours to your schooling.

4. Ask your college counselor to help you find a work-study program that will enable you to pay for your living expenses. If it is a job related to your career choice, this will be the wisest course, as you will be able to include this on your resume upon graduation and be able to say you have experience in your field.

Tags: living expenses, your living, your living expenses, attending college, paying your, this will