Monday, April 12, 2010

Tips On Breast Pain Relief

Having breast pain does not mean that a woman has breast cancer. A woman with unexplained breast pain should be screened to rule out cancer though. The medical term for breast pain is mastalgia. Breast pain can be caused by things like the menstrual cycle, cysts or infections. It can be conquered with the use of simple things like changing your diet, vitamins or massage.


Start taking vitamin E supplements. This can help ease reoccurring breast pain. It may take four to six weeks before the benefits are noticed. B6 can help prevent breast pain. It is a natural diuretic that helps release fluid from tissues. This will help with swollen painful breasts.

A fat-filled diet can cause breast pain. Reducing fat intake will help ease the pain. When pain flares up, reduce your intake of cheeseburgers and potato chips.

During flare ups, do not indulge in caffeine. This includes coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate that should be cut out of the diet. Limit salt intake. Salt helps the body store fluid and fluid retention has been linked to breast pain.

Other Tips

Daily breast massages can help ease breast pain. Massage increases your circulation which is beneficial for the body. Wear a well-fitting bra to bed. This should be one that does not pinch, squeeze, or pull on the breasts or around the middle. This should be one that holds the breasts in a proper position. Think support not sexy when choosing a bra to wear to bed. Smoking can cause cysts in the breasts so stop smoking. Evening primrose oil may help as well. This herbal supplement can be found in health food stores. Give the herb three months to be effective.


NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen can ease breast pain. NSAIDs reduce swelling due to inflammation and pain. Check which ever over-the-counter medication you choose to make sure that they do not contain caffeine if taking them for breast pain. Hormonal oral contraceptives can also help. They help regulate the menstrual cycle and the effects of that cycle on the body. Be aware that hormone replacement therapy can cause breast pain if the dosage of estrogen is too strong. Consult your care provider if this may be the case. They can adjust the hormone dosage to give breast pain relief.

Tags: breast pain, breast pain, help ease, cause breast, cause breast pain