Friday, December 24, 2010

Improve Physical Exam Results

Doctors typically recommend an annual physical for their patients.

Doctors usually recommend that a person undergo a complete physical once a year. Physical exams are particularly crucial when a person gets older, as their risk of certain conditions, like high blood pressure and heart disease, increases. However, if an individual maintains a healthy diet, exercises regularly and takes care of themselves, they will likely improve the results of their next physical exam.


Improving Your Next Physical Exam Results

1. Eliminate junk food such as potato chips, ice cream, and donuts from your diet. Substitute products with no trans-fatty acids or saturated fats. Use sugar substitutes like saccharine instead of real sugar. Lower your salt intake by cutting back on table salt and eating foods with less sodium, recommends Cut back on red meat. Instead, eat more lean meat such as tuna, chicken, turkey and fish. Eat plenty of fresh and cooked vegetables, including lettuce, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, celery and green beans. Eat several helpings of fruit per day. Drink lots of water.

2. Obtain a weight chart from your doctor or through an online search on or Look to see how much a person your height is supposed to weigh. Determine is you are overweight. If necessary, create a diet plan to cut calories. Try to lose one to two pounds weekly until you reach your ideal weight. (See resource 3)

3. Take multivitamins with minerals as a dietary supplement. Make sure you are getting enough calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. Take a cal-mag supplement with vitamin D if you are not getting enough. Take a probiotic supplement as a digestive aid.

4. Start a regular exercise program of weightlifting and cardiovascular training. Work out with weights three or four times per week and build strength in all muscle groups. Walk, jog or use a treadmill or exercise bike about 20 minutes per day. Start off slowly and gradually build your endurance by moving at a faster pace. (See reference 2)

5. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep at night. Stay on a regular schedule. Try to control your stress levels at work and home. Do fun things with your family to make yourself happy. Avoid long periods of depression.

6. Do regular self breast examinations if you are a female and regular testicular examinations if you are a man. Find out what to look for if you are not familiar with these types of examinations. Follow up with any pap smears, colorectal exams or stress tests if your doctor recommends them (See reference 1). Quit smoking and drinking or imbibe in small amounts.

Tags: Exam Results, from your, getting enough, Physical Exam, Physical Exam Results, your doctor