Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Breast Enhancement Alternatives

Do you yearn for larger, firmer, fuller breasts but don't want to go to the expense or risk of breast enlargement surgery? While nothing but a breast augmentation can actually make your breasts larger permanently, there are several ways you can affect the appearance of your breasts. These options come with much less risk and a much lower cost than a breast augmentation, which can run from $5,000 to $15,000. What works and what doesn't? Read on for options and figure out what might work best for you before going under the knife.

The Right Bra

Never underestimate the power of the right bra. First, make sure you are wearing the correct size. Go for a professional bra fitting in the foundations/lingerie department of your favorite department store. Your shape can change as you get older, even if you maintain the same weight. Make sure you adjust your bra straps daily to keep your breasts high. Your straps can easily slip from everyday wear and laundering.

To enhance the size and shape of your breasts, look for a padded push-up bra. These wonders of underwire technology fill out the bottom and sides of your breasts while pushing them up and in, giving you optimal cleavage.

Silicone Breast Enhancers

Sometimes you need a little more fullness and lift than your favorite push-up bra can give. Enter the silicone breast enhancer, or as the "Sex and the City" girls call them, "chicken cutlets." Silicone breast enhancers are bra inserts made of silicone gel that can add anywhere from a half to a full cup size to your shape. The inserts sit snugly between your bra and your natural breasts and have a similar feel and movement as your own breast tissue. Since they are so flexible they can easily be slipped into the lining of swimsuits and bras, eliminating the risk of the inserts slipped out of place.

The cons? Silicone breast enhancers are not breathable, and your breasts will become rather sweaty after a couple of hours. Plan on making a couple of trips to the ladies' room to mop up. Keep the inserts away from anything sharp as they are easily punctured.

Breast Enhancement Pills

You've read the ads in the back of your favorite beauty magazines: take this simple herbal pill and watch your cups overflow, so to speak. Sounds easy. If it was that easy, however, plastic surgeons would be quickly out of business.

Most breast enhancement pills contain herbs that are phytoestrogens, or plant-derived estrogens. They claim to work by increasing the amount of estrogen in your system, supposedly stimulating breast development. However, no research exists that show any of these pills are both safe and effective. You might want to save your money. If you do choose to give these pills a try, check with your doctor first to avoid any harmful reactions.


"I must, I must, I must increase my bust!" Using exercise to add inches to the bust line has been attempted for generations. Does it work? Sort of, but not how you might think.

Strengthening your pectoral muscles--the muscles that lay under your breast tissue--can give your breasts a perkier appearance and raise them slightly higher on your chest. However, it will not enlarge or firm your actual breast tissue, or shrink skin that has been stretched by age, childbirth or previous surgeries.

Push ups, chest extensions and pullovers are all effective exercises to strengthen your pectoral muscles and give your breasts some lift.

Tags: your breasts, your favorite, breast augmentation, Breast Enhancement, breast tissue, give your