Friday, January 16, 2009

Get A Lawyer For Medical Insurance Problems

Hiring a lawyer can tip the scales of justice in your favor

Sometimes health insurance companies will deny coverage when it is needed the most. If you are facing high medical costs and denied claims, hiring a lawyer can level the playing field and help you get what you deserve. But simply hiring an attorney is not enough; you will need to seek out a lawyer who specializes in navigating the tricky waters of the health insurance industry.


1. Gather all of the documentation related to your health insurance claims, including the dates of service, the amounts charged and the names of the providers. Also make sure you have a copy of your health insurance policy and copies of all your explanation of benefits forms, claim forms and denial letters.

2. Log on to the Internet and check the website of Best Lawyers in America at The site provides an easy-to-use reference consumers can use to find the best attorneys operating in their states in a number of different specialties. The lawyers on the site were selected by their peers, so you can be sure that the attorneys listed are truly the best at handling health insurance claim disputes.

3. Contact a number of lawyers on the list and explain your situation. Be sure to give the attorney or staff member all the information you have, including the reasons given when the insurance company denied your claim and the amount of money involved. It is important to ask the law firms you are considering about their hourly charges. If the amount of money is a small one, it could cost more in legal fees to appeal the claim than the claim is worth.

4. Make an introductory appointment with the lawyers you feel most comfortable with. Many health insurance attorneys will provide a free initial consultation, but be sure to ask about any charges or fees before you set up the meeting. Bring all of your documentation with you to the initial consultation.

5. Ask each attorney about his relevant experience dealing with insurance companies. For claim denials and appeals it is helpful to have a lawyer who has worked for an insurance company in the past. Lawyers who have direct insurance company experience will know how the appeal process works from the inside, and they will know about the tricks insurance companies sometimse use to deny valid claims.

6. Make sure you ask each lawyer how long she thinks it will take to resolve the issue, and how much she anticipates any appeal process will cost. Talking about costs up front is very important, since the cost of appealing a denied insurance claim can be quite high. Make sure each attorney you speak to understands your needs and your expectations, and make sure you are comfortable working with the attorney you are considering.

Tags: health insurance, insurance companies, insurance company, amount money, appeal process