Thursday, November 5, 2009

About Preventive Health Care For Elderly People

The elderly face a variety of health concerns, including failing eyesight, loss of balance and muscular degeneration, and there are issues that aren't preventable. However, there are many aspects of elderly health care that can be avoided with preventive health care.


Basic exercise and remaining active is a preventive health option. This is good for muscles, circulation, weight control and heart health.

Healthy Diet

Eating right can help prevent many ailments that affect the elderly, including the digestive system, weight control, skin and hair.

Seeing a Doctor

Visiting the family physician for regular checkups will help to plan preventive care and to detect any issues before they become a problem.


Taking prescribed medications as indicated will help maintain blood pressure, heart health, cholesterol and muscular issues.


Gaining knowledge about the ailments and conditions you may face as you age, as well as the preventive steps to take, is important in recognizing symptoms and knowing what to do.

Tags: health care, heart health, preventive health, weight control, will help