Monday, November 23, 2009

Side Effects Of Colonoscopies

There are certain medical procedures that can cause side effects, which may be of inconvenience to patients. One of these procedures is colonoscopy. The medical procedure of colonoscopy is the method of examining the colon and rectum by inserting a colonoscope or a long, flexible tube into the rectum.


Colonoscopies are done to determine whether a patient has inflamed tissue, ulcers or abnormal growths on the rectum and the colon. Colonoscopies can detect early signs of colorectal cancer and can, moreover be a method for diagnosing change in abnormal bowel habits, abdominal pain, weight loss as well as anus bleeding.

Expert Insights

According to a study by the Telemark Polyp Study I, colonoscopies have resulted in mortality rates of approximately 57 percent. Furthermore, the study implies that this procedure can be fatal for some and the risk of colorectal cancer may arise a side effect. The Annals of Internal Medicine, on the other hand, states that 0.5 percent of patients develop serious complications.

Common Side Effects

The patient may experience a feeling of bloatedness and may release gas once in a while. Discomfort will definitely be felt by the patient, which may be neutralized by walking. A small amount of blood will also appear in the first bowel movement after the procedure. Even though these are minor side effects, it is wise to stay on alert, especially if bleeding increases after the colonoscopy. Other possible complications may arise if these are not addressed as soon as possible.

Serious Side Effects

As stated before, colonoscopies can bring serious ailments to patients. One of these is the disruption of the intestinal condition. Before undergoing a colonoscopy, the patient is required to take a laxative to release all feces stored in the large intestine. Naturally, this may disrupt the usual condition of the intestines, causing more constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and other inflammatory bowel diseases. Moreover, if the patient is already experiencing irritable bowel syndrome, the intake of laxative may worsen the condition.

Addressing Side Effects

After the colonoscopy, a fiber diet and water intake are required to restore the water lost during the bowel purging and to help with recovery.

Tags: Side Effects, bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, irritable bowel, irritable bowel syndrome, patients these