Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Classes Needed For An Xray Technician

Becoming an x-ray technician requires a substantial amount of educational courses.

Radiology technicians, also know as x-ray technicians, earn a median annual salary of almost $49,000, according to This salary does not come easily, however. Aspiring radiology technicians must receive a high school diploma or GED and a certification, associate degree, or bachelor's degree from an accredited school or university.

High School Diploma or GED

Since radiology technicians need to complete some higher education or college courses, it is important that those who are pursuing a career in this field finish high school or earn a GED. High school students should work hard to achieve the best grades as possible since a bachelor's degree from an accredited university is the best way to ensure you find a position as a radiology technician.

Associate Degree

By earning an associate degree in radiation technology, you will gain hands-on experience and the required knowledge to work as an x-ray technician. Although associate degree programs differ between colleges and universities that offer the program, a majority of the programs will require classes in anatomy, physiology, radiation biology, patient treatment plans and health laws, standards and regulations.

Bachelor's Degree

Earning a bachelor's degree in radiology technology from an accredited university is one of the best ways to ensure that you will get a job as an x-ray technician after your studies. Students in one of the various programs for a bachelor's degree in radiology technology take classes including patient positioning, safety, equipment operation and maintenance, anatomy, physiology, chemistry and physics.


The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists offers a certification program that helps x-ray technicians establish their professionalism and qualifications as experts in the field. This certification program requires that students earn an associate degree or higher and take classes related to radiological sciences or any other field, even if it is not related to medicine. The program provides the education courses needed to become an x-ray technician as long as you have completed classes at an accredited school or university.

Tags: x-ray technician, associate degree, bachelor degree, from accredited, accredited school, accredited school university, accredited university