Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Are The Causes Of Gynaecomastia

What Are the Causes of Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is the development of breasts on a man's body. Many young boys begin to develop this condition at the onset of puberty. The breasts can begin to take shape in the form of breast buds, just like a female. Over time a man can develop breasts that look very similar to a woman's breasts. The degree of development varies from person to person, but most men who have Gynaecomastia develop small tear drop shape breasts. This can be very distressing, especially for teenagers because the appearance of breasts on a male can make him feel like less of a man. Many teens become depressed and do everything they can to hide their condition.

Thyroid Problems

Hormonal imbalances due to thyroid problems are one of the major causes of Gynaecomastia. This can happen at any time, but it is most likely to happen during puberty. The adrenal glands are not functioning as they should and more female hormones in the system can cause a male to develop breasts. Low testicular function is usually accompanied by Gynaecomastia.

Kidney and Liver Disease

Chronic kidney or liver disease can also cause gynaecomastia. This happens because the liver and kidneys are not able to properly dispose of excess estrogen introduced into the body. Estrogen can be consumed through meat and dairy products. The body will attempt to remove this excess estrogen through the kidneys and liver filtration systems, but when the liver or kidneys are not functioning properly due to disease, the estrogen stays in the body. The end result is male breast development for some men.

Klinefelter Syndrome

Klinefelter Syndrome is a rare disorder that a person is born with. This syndrome can cause male breast development as a man grows up because of a chromosomal abnormality. Men who have Klinefelter syndrome have an XXY chromosome combination, rather than the normal XY combination. The extra X chromosome causes a man to have more female features and this disorder causes some men to be sterile.


Obesity can also cause breast development because breasts are primarily composed of fat. Excess weight can trap more toxins in the body and disrupt normal hormone levels. Men who become severely overweight can develop breasts. Maintaining a healthy weight with diet and exercise is one way to combat this problem.


Certain medications can also cause a man to develop breasts. Drugs can interfere with normal testosterone production. Some drugs associated with male breast development as a side effect are Abilify, Fexeril, Geodon, Pepcid and Haldol. (For a complete list, see resourses below.)

Tags: breast development, develop breasts, also cause, male breast, male breast development, cause male