Monday, March 15, 2010

Ideas For A Girl Scout Cadette Kick Off

Host a fun-filled kickoff to set an exciting tone for the cadettes.

Cadettes are Girl Scouts in the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Cadettes base their learning experiences on the three keys to leadership: discover, connect and take action. Girl Scout activities are centered around learning and growing using the leadership keys as guidance. The kickoff for a new group of cadettes is about getting to know one another and introducing the girls to the fun, friendship and learning opportunities being a cadette offers. Plan an event that gets the group excited about offering services and growing as young women through scouting.

Investiture/Rededication Ceremony

Hold an investiture/rededication ceremony to welcome both new and longtime Girl Scouts to the troop and prepare for the scouting year. Pin new Girl Scouts and invite them into the Girl Scout family. Invite girls who are already Girl Scouts to renew their vows to follow the laws of the Girl Scout organization. Ask all in attendance to recite the Girl Scout Promise and Law to reaffirm the purpose of the troop and get the year started on a united front.

Bowling Event

Gather the cadettes at a local bowling alley for a night of active fun. Split the girls into teams, mixing girls who have been Girl Scouts in the past with new girls so that everyone can get to know one another. Bowl one or two games then sit together to eat pizza, asking each girl to introduce herself. Initiate a general discussion about what each of the cadettes would like to gain from her scouting experience. Start planning the activities for the rest of the scouting year.

Family Fun Night

Invite the cadettes and their families to a family fun night at a recreation hall or local gymnasium. Set up games such as ring toss and football toss and offer small prizes like bracelets, keychains and lollipops. Play music and designate an area for dancing. Offer refreshments such as punch, popcorn, hot dogs and nachos. Arrange an area where parents and cadettes can gather information about Girl Scouts and get a schedule for the coming year.

Family Bonfire Event

Host a bonfire for the cadettes and their families at a local campground. Set up chairs in a circle around the fire and arrange separate seating areas for small groups to mingle. Offer s'mores and beverages, such as hot chocolate and water. Bring guitars and have a sing-along, singing traditional Girl Scout campfire songs and other campfire songs. Discuss the scouting experience and get the families excited about the coming year.

Tags: Girl Scout, Girl Scouts, cadettes their, cadettes their families, campfire songs, coming year