Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Importance Of Insurance In The Medical Field

Insurance provides a valuable form of financial protection and a means of paying for services that would otherwise be unaffordable.This is especially true in the medical field, where several different types of insurance play essential roles in keeping doctors, patients and health care administrators able to fulfill their roles.

Access to Care

Among the most basic and important roles insurance plays in the medical field is the access it gives patients to care. Health insurance customers, whether they receive insurance through an employer or pay for it themselves, can receive treatment, medication and access to specialists that would otherwise be entirely unaffordable. Insurance gives patients access to care without forcing them into debt. It also helps prevent situations in which uninsured patients neglect their own care due to the high costs, allowing medical problems to worsen over time.

Business of Medicine

Just as health insurance gives patients access to care, it allows health care professionals to receive payment for their services. Health care providers receive reimbursement from their clients' health insurance companies, providing the funds they need to pay staff, purchase equipment and maintain up-to-date facilities. Besides hospitals and doctors' practices, pharmaceutical corporations also rely on the money they receive from customers' insurance policies to invest in new drug research and product profits for their shareholders.

Cost Data

Insurance statistics serve as a guide for medical professionals and political policymakers. By analyzing cost data, which refers to what types of services health insurance funds pay for, health care providers gain a better understanding of patient needs and trends in treatment. Cost data can also play a role in promoting preventive treatment. For example, if health care providers learn that a growing percentage of insurance money is going toward heart disease treatment for elderly patients, they can focus their efforts on educating middle-aged patients about heart health to address a relevant health care issue that insurance coast data helped reveal.

Malpractice Insurance

Another type of insurance that has importance to the medical field is malpractice insurance for doctors and other practitioners. Malpractice insurance is a form of liability insurance that helps doctors cover the legal expenses associated with negligence, poor judgment or mistakes. Some hospitals require all doctors on staff to have malpractice insurance, while others buy it voluntarily to protect their private practices.

Tags: health care, care providers, gives patients, access care, gives patients access, health care providers