Monday, June 21, 2010

Indiana Teenage Pregnancy Parental Rights Laws

Indiana has several laws requiring pregnant teens to consult with their parents.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, Indiana ranks 26th of all states in teen pregnancy based on 2005 data. As of 2005, teenagers 15 to 19 accounted for 13,740 reported pregnancies in Indiana. Of those, 4,050 were among teenagers 15 to 17 and 9,690 occurred in teens 18 to 19. Indiana has several laws in place requiring teenagers to seek direction from a parent or guardian on handle a pregnancy.

Parental Consent for Health Care Services

Indiana law requires pregnant teenagers under 18 to obtain consent from their parents to seek services from a health care provider. Emancipated teens don't have to abide by this law and may seek health care in the event they become pregnant without their parents' approval.

Pregnancy Test

A teenager doesn't need her parent's approval to purchase a home pregnancy test. In addition, a prescription isn't required to obtain a test.


A mother under 18 can place her child for adoption without agreement from her parents or guardians. However, the teenage mother must notify the biological father of the adoption. When the biological father is known, he must provide consent or a judge must endorse the adoption.


A girl under 18 must receive a written consent from one parent or guardian before an abortion. The consent can come from any parent and not necessarily the one with custody of the pregnant teenager. A minor is allowed to appeal to a juvenile court judge for a waiver of this requirement. The law doesn't apply to emancipated children under 18.

Mandatory Waiting Period

Indiana imposes an 18-hour waiting period before a teen receives an abortion. A health care provider also must inform the teen of the options available to her, including adoption, before an abortion is performed.

Tags: from parent, health care, their parents, before abortion, biological father, care provider