Monday, June 28, 2010

Study Medicine In Australia

Star of Life & Rod of Asclepius

Studying abroad is an extremely rewarding experience as an addition to studies in the U.S., or as an entire degree program. Both of those scenarios are something for students pursuing any kind of specialty in the medical field to consider. Highly reputable medical schools exist abroad, specifically in Australia. So why not combine going to college with exploring the land down under?


Finding a Program and Applying

1. Begin by searching for a program designed for your specific area of study. Some schools in Australia, like in the U.S., focus on only one area, while other schools (especially larger ones) have numerous health-related paths to choose from. For undergrads who have not decided on what to specialize in yet, taking general health science and biology courses is another option.

Also consider which region or city in Australia you may want to reside in, and any specific schools you perhaps had in mind.

2. Once you have chosen a program, go over what the requirements are, the costs involved, tests that may need to be passed, the application process and any upcoming deadlines. Programs can be run through a study abroad company, an American school or through direct enrollment at the Australian university, so this can affect how a person goes about applying for admission. Either way, a representative at one of the aforementioned places will be able to help you with applying.

3. When contemplating pay for medical school abroad, be aware that there is financial aid available specifically to use while studying abroad, so don't let the cost get in the way of going on this life-changing adventure. Regular financial aid can also be used in many cases. Plus, scholarships and grants are out there, so be sure to look into those.

4. Once all of the necessary application materials have been rounded up, go ahead and apply to a program.

5. Once you are accepted, it's time for the fun part---planning your journey! This involves picking classes, figuring out where to go on side trips and finding and reserving housing in a dormitory or apartment building. Just remember to make the most of this fabulous opportunity and enjoy the ride!
