Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pros & Cons Of Silicone Breast Implants

Pros & Cons of Silicone Breast Implants

Breast augmentation is a big decision and requires much consideration on the impact it can have on one's body. The implants may not only raise a woman's self-confidence, but they can also have possible side-effects that may require further operations, which means more money.

Natural Appearance

Many women opt to have silicone over saline because they look and feel more natural. They don't have a "wrinkling" effect (where wrinkles appear in the creases of the breast).


When a saline implant leaks, the fluid passes through the body and is absorbed, thus giving the appearance that the breast has deflated. With silicone, the leak remains trapped within the breast because of its consistency.


With silicone implants, women experience a more busty (cleavage) look.

Side Effects

If an implant leaks, it can cause irritation or possible infections within the breast. This may require more operations which will be costly, as some insurance companies do not cover this.


Silicone implants cost more than saline, and they don't last a lifetime. Women with silicone implants will need to get an MRI every three years to ensure that they have not ruptured.

Incision and Scarring

With saline implants, they can be placed (empty) through a small incision with minimal scarring. Silicone are placed into the breast already filled through a larger incision, which may result in noticeable scarring.

Tags: Breast Implants, Cons Silicone, Cons Silicone Breast, implant leaks, operations which, Pros Cons