Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diet To Reduce Estrogen For Breast Cancer

Breast cancer thrives in an estrogen-rich environment, which is why many treatment regimes utilize SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators), which prevent estrogen molecules from attaching to breast tissue. In addition to utilizing conventional treatments such as this, adoption of an anti-estrogen diet can help reduce estrogen levels, aiding in the fight against breast cancer.

Estrogen and Food

Understand that many of the foods you eat on a regular basis promote the production of excess estrogen. Chemicals used as food additives often contain xenoestrogens, which are manmade compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen within your body, amplifying its effect. According to Dr. John K. Williams, Ph.D., an expert on paleolithic nutrition, heating plastic containers (as when microwaving foods) can also release xenoestrogens into your meal. So the issue is not just what you eat, but how you eat it.

Anti-Estrogen Diet

Consume a diet as natural and hormone-free as possible to naturally lower your estrogen levels. This means consuming a diet rich in natural foods, such as organic grass-fed beef and chicken, wild-caught seafood, organic fruits and vegetables, and other natural items such as beans, nuts, and seeds. Avoid any consumption of processed foods, alcohol, sugary items, or refined flour while looking to reduce your estrogen levels.

To retain dietary balance while on an anti-estrogen diet, each meal should contain a fruit, a vegetable, a lean protein source, and a natural source of healthy, unsaturated fats such as almonds or olive oil. Additionally, utilize the power of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, as these compounds are rich in a substance called diindolylmethane (DIM), which naturally lowers estrogen. At least two servings a day of cruciferous veggies should be a staple in your estrogen-lowering diet.

Tags: estrogen levels, your estrogen, your estrogen levels