Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recovery From Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure where a doctor removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from your breasts in order to make their size more in proportion with your body or perhaps to alleviate discomfort you feel from heavy breasts. As with any surgery, breast reduction requires a certain amount of time and some effort on your part before full recovery is made.

Recovery Time

Some patients can recover in approximately one week while others may take two or three to return to normal activity after breast reduction surgery. Some doctors consider that it takes six months to a year to fully recover from breast reduction surgery because that is when the final results of the surgery become apparent.

By the third week or so after breast reduction surgery, the swelling and bruising you experience initially should be gone (or mostly gone). This will signify that your recovery period is coming to an end.

Monitoring the Incision

After breast reduction surgery, you will have an incision on each breast, and you should monitor it for any excessive redness, swelling or oozing of pus or other fluids; these might be signs of an infection, so you should contact your surgeon immediately if you notice anything unusual like this.

You will probably have a small tube in the area of your incision to remove excess drainage from the surgery. Your doctor can remove these drains a few days into your recovery period. You will also have stitches on your incisions, probably covered with dressings and bandages that you will have to change regularly according to your doctor's instructions.

You will probably have to follow up with your physician regularly as you recover from the surgery in order to monitor your recovery process and your incision sites.

Taking Action

You can help yourself recover by using cold packs on the area of your incisions. This will help you reduce pain and swelling after surgery. You can also wear an elastic support bra specifically designed to aid in the recovery process from breast reduction surgery. You should avoid sleeping on your stomach while you recover, and keep your physical activity to a minimum. Ask your doctor about the frequency and timing of any follow-up appointments you may need. You can also request a timeline for returning to regular activity, such as work or exercise. One of the best things you can do is to take your recovery period easily and pace yourself as you reintroduce yourself to your regular routine.

Tags: reduction surgery, breast reduction surgery, your recovery, breast reduction, recovery period, your recovery period