Monday, November 29, 2010

Get Low Cost Dental Work

Get Low Cost Dental Work

Millions of Americans remain without dental insurance yet still need dental work and care. Dental costs can get expensive and you need to research your options to get low cost dental work and save money in the long run.


1. Join a dental discount club offered by a major network or well-known company. This is a great option if you have no way to get dental insurance. Your choice of providers is limited but you'll pay less out of pocket for any dental work you need.

2. Explain to your dentist your financial situation and see if you can negotiate a price or at least work out a payment plan. If you have a long-standing relationship with a dentist, negotiating fees is easier and less intimidating to do. Walking into a brand new office and trying to negotiate fees may not work as well.

3. Select a dentist that is in your dental insurance plan, if you have one. It isn't worth paying the premiums on dental insurance if you aren't seeing a provider in your network.

4. Choose treatments that are the least costly. Different grades of dental work, like dentures, crowns and fillings, do exist and they all cost different amounts. Save yourself money by choosing the least expensive treatment that still treats your condition effectively.

5. Check with your local Department of Health Services. They may be able to offer dental services to you for a lower cost based on your income and your ability to pay.

6. Search your local area for a dental school that provides low cost or free dental work. Having a student perform your dental work may not sound appealing but remember that these programs are run by professors of dentistry.

Tags: dental insurance, dental work, Cost Dental, Cost Dental Work, dental work, plan have, your dental