Thursday, November 18, 2010

High School Biology Teacher Requirements

Prepare for a career in biology teaching at the high school level.

To qualify for a position as a high school biology teacher, a candidate must possess a few set credentials. These requirements are intended to ensure that individuals given this responsibility are capable of effectively educating high school level students in the subject of biology. If you would like to work as a high school biology teacher, acquiring these credentials is a good first step towards reaching your career goal.

Bachelor's Degree

High school biology teachers must possess a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education. While there are exceptions to the rule, this degree should generally be in the field of biology education. Candidates with degrees strictly in biology or a related scientific field may qualify for a science teaching position depending on the state because the biology degree alone is considered enough to teach basic biology. Candidates with general education degrees can often teach high school biology as well. In some states, general education degree holders are required to take additional coursework in biology, while in other states candidates can teach high school biology as long as they completed some biology related coursework during the process of earning their degrees. Anyone intending to follow this career path should seek a bachelor's program tailored to this field or select a major in biology paired with a minor in education.

Passable License Exam Scores

In many states, teachers are required to take and pass the Educational Testing Service's Praxis II examination. This exam tests subject area knowledge and basic teaching principles. Individuals who are working towards teaching high school biology are often required to take two Praxis II series examinations; the Principles of Teaching and Learning examination, which is an essay exam on teaching practices, as well as the Biology Content Knowledge exam, which is a 150 question multiple choice test.

States that do not require the Praxis II assessment traditionally have a specialized state education exam that teaching candidates must take and pass before qualifying for a teaching position.

State License

Prospective public high school biology teachers must have a state teaching license. The specific requirements for this license vary from state to state, but generally candidates must provide evidence of their higher education degree and licensing examination score. Candidates are also often required to submit fingerprints for a criminal background check and pass a tuberculosis test.

While a license is generally required, some private or charter schools do not require that their high school biology teachers possess a state license.

Tags: high school, high school biology, school biology, school biology, biology teachers, required take