Thursday, February 17, 2011

Breast Selfexam Guide

Check for breast cancer

Breast cancer is a serious problem and affects many women. Doctors can perform breast examinations to check for cancer, but you can perform this process in the comfort of your home without having to involve a medical professional. Breast self-exams can be a fast and effective way to keep tabs on your health.

Who Should Perform a Breast Self-Exam

Any woman over the age of 20 should perform a monthly breast self-exam. You should perform the exam a few days after your period, if you still have periods. If not, perform the test on the same day every month. Try each of the following tests to see which one works best for you.

Mirror Exam

Stand in front of a mirror and examine your breasts, looking for a difference in size and bulging. Check to see if your nipples have turned in. Examine your breasts standing with your arms by your side, above your head, hands on your hips with your arms flexed to flex the muscles beneath the breasts and finally bent forward. Look for any subtle dimpling on the skin, which may appear if a tumor has affected the ligament. Check for discharge from the nipple.


Lie down and put a pillow under the same shoulder as the breast that you are testing, placing the same hand as the breast you are testing under your head. For instance, if you are testing the right breast, put a pillow under your right shoulder and place your right hand behind your head. Using the opposite hand, press in circles with the fingertips up and down the breast until you have checked the entire breast. Using the pads of the second, third and fourth fingers, press in small, circular motions from the nipple out to the edge of the breast. Make sure to use light, medium and strong pressure on each part of the breast. Squeeze the nipple gently to check for discharge.

In the Shower

Lift the same arm as the breast you are checking over the head. Check the breast for lumps in the same manner described for performing a breast self-exam lying down.


If you see dimpling of the skin, discharge from the nipple or feel a lump in your breast at any point while performing a breast self-exam, contact your doctor as soon as possible to go through more rigorous testing.

Tags: from nipple, your head, breast self-exam, Check breast, dimpling skin, discharge from, discharge from nipple