Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Navy Core Training

Navy core values influence training.

The core training experienced in the Navy can be better understood in light of its core values: honor, courage and commitment. These values extend throughout the Navy's basic and specialized training programs.


The three core values of honor, courage and commitment translate into fundamental actions exercised in training and beyond. Regarding honor, each sailor must be ethical and honest in all relationships. In the name of courage, a sailor must meet the demands of the job, even when dangerous or difficult. Additionally, a committed sailor will command respect relative to the chain of command, displaying dignity towards all people.


Beyond instilling the Navy's core values, core training also focuses on developing skills necessary for the sailor. For example, in 1963 Navy recruits in San Diego learned seamanship skills in a team environment, which even included playing volleyball for physical and team-building exercise.


The Navy SEALs training program also adheres to the Navy's core values, and utilizes specialized core training for its recruits, including three core pillars: being men of character, being physically fit for demands in any environment with a special emphasis on underwater environs, and having the intelligence for learning technical tasks quickly.

Tags: core values, Navy core, Navy core values, core training, core values honor, courage commitment