Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prevent Breast Califications

Calcifications in the breast are deposits of calcium. They show up on mammograms as white areas and are generally not cancerous. There are times, however, when calcifications are indicators of breast cancer in the early stage. There are two sizes of calcifications: microcalcification and macrocalcification. The larger deposits, the macrocalcifications, are almost always not cancerous. Most microcalcifications are also non-cancerous, but a small percentage can be indicative of breast cancer. Therefore, a biopsy can be done if a mammogram detects microcalcifications.


Preventing Breast Calcifications

1. Make sure to exam breasts often and see a physician if lumps are found. Have a mammogram if it is deemed necessary to monitor abnormalities in breast tissue.

2. Two to three times a week, participate in aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, or playing sports for at least 20 to 30 minutes at a time.

3. Eat a diet that is low fat, and high in fiber and whole grains. Include plenty of fruit and vegetables and restrict alcohol consumption.

4. Drink a herbal tonic of red clover which helps fight cancerous growths and calcification.

Tags: breast cancer