Thursday, March 31, 2011

Read Old Newspaper Articles For Free

Knowing where the newspaper article originated is essential in being able to view it, without cost.

Newspapers are filled with facts about our country, ourselves, our families and our world. Newspapers contain valuable information for researchers and amateur genealogists. Finding old papers can be a challenge, especially when trying to access papers for free. Many websites charge a fee and some newspaper companies require you to pay for a subscription. There are a few ways to read old articles for free.


1. Go online to a newspaper's website. Some newspapers will allow you to access recent editions for free. Some newspapers have electronic archives that date back to the 1980s. Most newspapers charge a fee for online access to these archives. In some cases, you can search the archives for free, or read one article for free. Some newspapers require that you provide your email address for access, even to free articles. The fees to view the older editions, before electronic archiving began, can be higher, to cover the cost of scanning the pages and organizing the content.

2. Check with your local library. Many public libraries have recent copies of local newspapers that you can read while visiting. Older newspapers can be accessed by using computers at the library. Ask a reference librarian about their newspaper archives. This is the best option in being able to view articles for free.

If the library doesn't have the newspaper you are looking for, and you are looking for one article in particular, get in touch with the library closest to the city of publication. Inquire about the possibility of having a copy of the article emailed, faxed or perhaps mailed to you. The library may charge you for the cost to print or copy an article, not the article itself.

3. Visit the source. In other words, get in touch with the newspaper you are interested in reading. Most newspapers have research librarians who supervise access to back issues. Ask about ways to access archives for free.

Tags: Some newspapers, able view, archives free, being able, being able view