Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Predeployment Checklist

Start your deployment with assurance that you've addressed all obligations.

In the flurry of activity before a military deployment, it can be hard to keep track of everything you must do and pack before you go. Saying goodbye to family members and filling your duffel is only a small part of the process. Stick to a thorough pre-deployment checklist to make sure you are fully prepared for deployment and ready to do your duty.


Build up your savings for several months before deployment.

Locate and secure important financial documents. Check with your bank to be sure your direct deposit information is up to date. Link your account with your spouse's or arrange to have part of your paycheck routed to his account. Check with your command to ascertain changes in your monthly pay; for example, you may be eligible for extra pay while you're deployed. Work with your spouse to create a budget for your deployment period. If you are single, then arrange for monthly bill payments via electronic fund transfer.


Visit the doctor for a pre-deployment checkup.

Get a fresh supply of all prescription medications. Check with your insurance company to make sure your dependents will still receive benefits while you are deployed. If your wife is pregnant, get a statement of due date from her doctor. Check that your children's and pet's immunization records are current; you don't want your spouse to have to juggle more than she has to while you're away. Establish a medical power of attorney. Make sure each family member has a valid health insurance ID card.


Update your service record if necessary to reflect address and emergency contact changes. Visit your attorney and update your will. Check and update the beneficiaries of any life insurance policies, and make sure your home insurance and auto insurance are up to date. If no one will be driving your car while you're deployed, then drop your insurance to the minimum coverage to save money.


Give your kids a long goodbye hug.

Let your friends and family members know you're being deployed. Supply them with your mailing address and a list of prohibited items. Help your spouse find a good support group for spouses of deployed military. Take pictures of your children and family to take with you. Buy a webcam for your home computer in case you're able to communicate via video from your station overseas. Talk to your spouse and children about your deployment; set realistic standards for staying in touch and answer questions.

Tags: with your, your spouse, Check with, Check with your, make sure, sure your, while deployed