Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Save Money On Senior Dog Health Care

When dogs reach advanced age, they face many of the same problems older humans face, but without the preventative and alternative medicine options available to us. Use these steps to learn save money on your senior dog's health care.


1. Consider taking your senior dog to a veterinarian school if there is one in your area. This works much the same as a beauty school that gives discounts for letting the students color your hair. The care is still top rate and the prices can be significantly lower (see Resources below).

2. Purchase pet insurance. Many companies specialize in this insurance and it can cover your senior dog's more expensive procedures. Like regular medical insurance, this coverage comes with varying deductibles (see Resources below).

3. Prevent health issues. Keep your dogs active with regular exercise. Buy vitamins to supplement their diets and serve them senior dog food, which is specially formulated for aging dogs.

Tags: your senior, Resources below