Friday, May 7, 2010

What Are The Benefits Of A Radiology Degree

A radiological technologist, or RT, has expertise in imaging through the use of x-rays, ultrasounds or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Careers in this field are growing faster than ever before. Degrees can be completed in one to four years.


Radiological technologists can specialize in a variety of fields. Breast imaging focuses on the diagnosis of breast cancer. Cardiovascular and chest radiology deals with the heart and lungs. For GI tract and stomach issues, patients will see a gastrointestinal radiological technologist. Radiation oncology treats cancer.


Radiological technologists ensure a proper image has been taken, by properly positioning the patient as well as the equipment, so that the radiologist can diagnose or rule out an injury or disorder.

Career Advancement

Experienced Radiological technologists can advance in the field by becoming specialists who perform Computed Tomography (CT) Scans or angiographies. They can also advance administratively, taking roles as supervising radiologist and department director.


Radiological technologists will always be in demand. Since people are living longer, more will require diagnostic imaging. Though radiological technologist jobs are predominantly in hospitals, more third party institutions are arising due to the emphasis on outpatient care.


Salaries average between $40,000.00 and $50,000.00 annually, but can far exceed this depending on education, experience and job position.

Radiologist vs. RT

Radiological technologists are not to be confused with radiologists, who are doctors who completed their residencies in diagnostic radiology or radiation oncology.

Tags: Radiological technologists, radiological technologist