Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pros & Cons Of Final Exam Exemptions

Final exams are given to assess year-long concept retention.

In a given school semester, a student will be asked to complete projects, assignments and chapter exams. A final exam cumulatively assesses the semester's content retention. Some school districts across the nation offer a final exam exemption for students in 9th through 12th grades if they meet specific requirements. These requirements may involve a classroom grade, attendance and behavioral record. There are both positive and negative affects to skipping out on final exams but in the end, doing what is best for the overall educational journey of each student should be the focus.

Exam Exemption Pros

Gaining a well-earned exemption from the final exams typically means that the student has performed to an exceptional standard throughout the school year resulting in a high end-of-the-year grade. The exam exemption gives students an incentive for demonstrating 100-percent effort in each assignment, unit test, project and class participation. By establishing academic excellence each day between September and May, each student has proven his overall learning of the course subject areas.

Enhancing student drive and commitment are other positive elements of shooting for final exam exemption. While students keep their eye on the prize, they build character and traits that can be used in the future whether moving on to a post-secondary placement or entering the workforce.

Cons of Test Exemption

Working toward a final exam exemption may alleviate stress in the "now" but in the long-run, students may not have prepared themselves for what lies ahead in a post-secondary educational institution. Four-year colleges and universities, community colleges, and career or vocational schools commonly use final exams to ensure that students have retained the year's worth of information for future use in more advanced classes. Most college core classes build upon one another until graduation.

State-Standardized Final Exam Testing

Some states require students to take and pass a state-devised standardized test in each core subject area and are graded by instructors outside the school district. New York state offers a more advanced graduation certificate called the Regents diploma. Final exams are devised by a state-designated panel and are required of students seeking a Regents diploma no matter the classroom grade. These tests are not optional and are not subject to a final exam exemption.

Final Exam Alternatives

In lieu of a "fill-in-the-bubble" exam to score student concept comprehension, other measures may be used, which exempts all who choose the alternate type of assessment from a final exam. These could be projects or student portfolios that require students to use content from all subject units during the school year for one comprehensive report, oral presentation and visual representation. The projects may be presented in front of the class as either an individual or group project, resulting in the same grades. Often, alternative assessments traditionally are averaged into the cumulative class grade in a lesser percentage than a standard final exam.

Tags: exam exemption, final exam, final exam exemption, classroom grade, each student, Final Exam, final exam