Thursday, October 1, 2009

Diet For Breast Cancer Survivors

For breast cancer survivors, life after diagnosis is focused on diet and exercise. There is mixed information about whether a certain diet can stop breast cancer from reoccurring, however, healthy living in general can stave off a re-occurrence of the disease and keep your body in tip-top shape. It's about moderation, making good choices and being active.

Fruits and Vegetables

Some studies have shown that fruits and vegetables reduce the chance of breast cancer re-ocurrence. According to, the study showed women with higher levels of plasma carotenoid concentration had a 40 percent less risk of re-developing the disease. In addition, the fiber, antioxidants, folate and potassium in fruits and vegetables help prevent heart disease and stroke. They contribute to a strong body.

Fat and Calories

Eating a diet that is lower in fat is a good idea for breast cancer survivors. Women should limit their intake of solid fats such as butter. They should substitute monounsaturated fat--such as olive oil or canola oil--for saturated fat. Lean meat should be eaten instead of organ cuts. The common advice is to limit your daily fat intake to 30 percent of your calories.


Fiber is an important part of a diet for survivors because it may fight breast cancer by lowering levels of estrogen in your body. Instead of white rice and white bread, eat whole grains such as brown rice, oats and whole wheat pasta. The more fiber a carbohydrate has, the more your body has to work to break it down. Thus, your blood sugar doesn't spike. Get an additional fiber boost by eating beans as much as possible. Add them to salads, soups and other dishes.

Tags: breast cancer, your body, fruits vegetables