Thursday, December 9, 2010

Benefits & Risks Of Breast Augmentation

Women choose breast augmentation for a variety of reasons.

There are several types of breast augmentation surgeries. Implants are designed to increase the size of the breasts, while reduction surgery makes the breasts smaller. Breast lift surgery is an option for women who are happy with the size of their breasts, but want to improve the shape and appearance of the breast or nipples. Breast augmentation procedures are performed by certified plastic surgeons in a hospital and usually require an overnight hospital stay.


Breast rupture occasionally occurs after a breast implant operation. (See Reference 4.) This is also referred to as breast deflation, and happens when the silicone or gel implant "pops." A second surgery is required to fix this complication.


Post-surgical pain may last a few weeks while the breast tissue heals. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to help you as your body heals.


Infection is a risk with any major surgery, including breast surgery. Antibiotic treatment may be administered in case of infection, although more serious complications may require a second surgery.

Nipple Numbness

Some women experience a tingling or numbness surrounding the nipples and areola post-surgery. (See Reference 4.) This feeling may subside after a few months, but it is permanent in some women.

Difficulty Breastfeeding

Women who have undergone a breast augmentation procedure may experience difficulty breastfeeding and inadequate milk supply. (See Reference 3.)

Breast Symmetry

Some women have breasts that are uneven. One breast may be significantly smaller than the other or the nipples may be uneven. Breast augmentation surgery alters the breasts to make them appear similar and as symmetrical as possible. (See Reference 2.)

Increased Self Esteem

Whether you feel that your breasts are too large or too small, breast augmentation may increase your self esteem after altering your breasts to look the way you've always wanted. (See Reference 2.)


As women age, their breasts naturally begin to droop and sag. Breast lift augmentation surgery may be performed in conjunction with implants or by itself.

Restoration of Lost Volume

Breasts occasionally lose volume and fullness, especially after pregnancy. (See Reference 1.) Breast augmentation corrects this by making the breasts appear fuller and rounder.

Tags: augmentation surgery, breast augmentation, breast augmentation, Breast lift, Reference Breast