Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Effects Of Breast Augmentation

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation is the most common form of cosmetic surgery in the United States. Breast implants have been around for several decades now and there have therefore been many studies on the effects of breast augmentation. As an increasing number of women choose to get breast implants, it is important to look at the effects of this procedure.


Breast augmentation is performed by surgically placing two sacs in a woman's chest to increase the size of her breasts. Breast implants are filled with either silicone or saline solution, with saline being the most common substance used. Breast augmentation surgery is performed to reconstruct the breasts, many times in cases of cancer or deformity; for cosmetic reasons; or as part of sex-reassignment surgery.


Some of the more common risks associated with breast augmentation include loss of sensation in the nipples or breasts, implant leakage, difficulty detecting abnormalities during mammograms, infection, pain, swelling, excessive bleeding, scarring and irregular shaping of the breasts. Capsular contracture is a common problem that may crop up after breast augmentation and occurs when large amounts of scar tissue form around the implant and squeeze and harden the tissue, sometimes causing the implants to rupture.

Silicone risks

In recent decades, there has been controversy surrounding the practice of using silicone-gel breast implants. Due to safety concerns, the Food and Drug Administration issued a moratorium on all silicone breast implants in the early 1990s. Silicone implants have since become available on the market again but are more closely regulated and patients must pass certain criteria. Silicone implants pose more of a danger than saline implants when they burst because saline is naturally absorbed by the body and is not harmful, but silicone can be toxic and is also harder to detect after a rupture.


To minimize the risks associated with breast augmentation, some patients decide not to get breast implants at all, and others take precautions to ensure the safest possible results. To reduce the risks associated with breast implant surgery, seek a board-certified plastic surgeon and research the doctor's credentials and patients' feedback thoroughly. Also, smoking, physical exertion within the first few weeks after surgery and inadequate rest time can increase the likeliness of getting an infection or experiencing complications.


Benefits that patients of breast augmentation surgery report include increased self-esteem and satisfaction with appearance, increased confidence and having more clothing options. Many patients report that they enjoy feeling more proportionate and wearing clothing that compliments their new figure, and many say they are no longer ashamed or embarrassed of their breasts.

Tags: associated with, associated with breast, risks associated, risks associated with, with breast, augmentation surgery, breast augmentation