Friday, December 31, 2010

Breast Reduction Information

Breast reduction and breast lifts are among the five types of reconstructive plastic surgeries most often performed in the United States. They both are usually done through the same procedure, reduction mammaplasty.

Breast reduction is usually done for medical purposes and most medical insurance companies will pay for the procedure. It's alway best to check with your insurance provider before scheduling any elective surgery.

A candidate for breast reduction surgery is anyone whose breast size causes physical discomfort. It is advised that surgery is put off until the breasts have fully developed.

Reasons for Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can cause medical and social problems. Not only do the breasts hinder some sport activity and make it hard to find properly fitting clothes, the weight of the excess breast tissue can cause problems.

Shoulder strain, poor posture and resultant neck and back pain can be traced to excessively developed breasts. Sometimes a skin irritation leading to infections can occur.

Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery

The possibility that one may not be able to breast feed after breast reduction is a risk that all women should consider before scheduling the procedure. As with all surgery, unfavorable response to anesthesia may occur.

Other risks associated with surgery can include nerve damage and loss of sensation, blood clots, infection and scarring. Asymmetry of the breast also may occur.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

If only fatty tissue is to be removed, breast reduction can be accomplished through liposuction.

Incisions usually must be made for skin and glandular tissue to be removed. This type of breast reduction is usually done under general anesthesia.

These incisions can form a circular pattern around the areola, or be made in an inverted keyhole or anchor shape from above the nipple to the crease at the bottom of the breast.

Sometimes the areola is also reshaped by the procedure.

Recovery from Breast Reduction Surgery

A surgical bra or elastic bandage will cover gauze that is wrapped around the breast area after surgery. The gauze can be removed after several days, but the elastic bandage or surgical bra will continue to be worn.

Soreness and swelling can linger for several weeks while the breasts heal. Depending on the individual, it may take several months to heal.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Although the need for breast reduction is usually thought of as a female concern, men can be afflicted with overdeveloped breast tissue by a condition known as gynecomastia.

While diet and exercise can sometimes reduce the excess tissue in the male breast, sometimes surgery is used as a last resort.

Male breast reduction is generally done with liposuction, and the tiny incisions cause very little scarring.

Tags: Breast Reduction, breast reduction, Reduction Surgery, reduction usually, usually done