Monday, December 13, 2010

Qualifications For Ultrasound Technicians

Ultrasound technicians spend much of their day working directly with patients, fulfilling the ultrasound requests that have been assigned by a doctor. Therefore, technicians must be educated enough to answer basic questions and describe the procedures the patients will be going through.

Certificate Programs

For students with additional education or medical background, one-year certificate programs are offered to aspiring ultrasound technicians.

Degree Programs

For students with no previous medical or science knowledge, two- to four-year programs are offered at many colleges, universities and training hospitals.

Areas of Study

Students focus on the core sciences, such as biology, chemistry and physics. Different types of ultrasound are taught, such as abdominal, vascular and gynecology ultrasound, as well as anatomy and medical terminology.

Clinical Experience

Ultrasound technicians are required to complete a three- to six-month internship during their training to gain valuable hands-on experience.


While states don't require an official certification, many organizations offer students the chance to become certified. Being certified proves your capability and increases chances of finding a job.

Tags: programs offered, Programs students, Programs students with, students with