Monday, September 5, 2011

Is It Safe To Breast Feed With Saline Implants

If you've recently had breast implants and are concerned about being able to breastfeed your child, rest assured that you still can. While it is generally believed that saline implants have had no linked illnesses to women who have them, you should take into consideration the placement of your implant, as this is an important issue in breastfeeding of an infant.


It was once believed that women who had implants were unable to feed their children with breast milk. To the contrary, women can still feed their babies.


Because of the silicone leak scare of the 1990s and women becoming ill due to this, it was believed that all implants were unsafe. When saline leaks, the body absorbs the contents, and unless there is bacteria within the implant, no harm can come to mother or infant.


Placement of an implant can be crucial in proper feeding of a newborn. If the implant is placed under the fold of the breast, or through the armpit, your chances for breastfeeding are higher.


If an implant is placed through an incision in the areola, nerves may be damaged, which can make chances for breastfeeding more difficult, as the nerves are needed to stimulate milk production. Also, if breast tissues are disturbed, or milk ducts damaged due to being cut, then this minimizes the chances of being able to breastfeed.

Feeding Problems

Some women who have implants may experience painful engorgement. However, if you feed your infant regularly, you can minimize this discomfort.


If you are worried about your implants, speak to your doctor about your procedure. Talk to a lactation consultant before and after your child's birth, especially to monitor your infant's weight gain to make sure they are receiving enough milk.

Tags: believed that, able breastfeed, about your, being able, being able breastfeed, chances breastfeeding, feed their