Thursday, September 1, 2011

What Kinds Of Hours Do Medical Transcriptionists Work

Medical transcriptionists work varying hours transcribing medical recordings.

Medical transcriptionists transcribe a physician's dictated recordings into the computer for a patient's medical records or inter-office correspondence. A medical transcriptionist has a job position that can suit her particular lifestyle and how much work is available. Transciptionists work varying hours as they perform their duties, but generally the job requires long hours sitting in the same position as the transcriptionist keys the information into the word processor.

Standard Transcriptionist

A standard transcriptionist works in hospitals, clinics and medical libraries inputting information. The transcriptionist typically works a standard 40-hour work week. He listens to the recordings and creates documents used as discharge summaries, physical examination reports and operative reports. After transcribing material, the transcriptionist returns the documents to the physician who dictated the recording who will check for accuracy and provide a signature.

Self-Employed Transcriptionist

A self-employed transcriptionist most often works from home or telecommutes from a home-based office to gather the recordings that need to be transcribed. These types of transcriptionists often work irregular hours, putting in only part-time, evening or weekend work. Some self-employed transcriptionists are on call at all hours to be available for the physician or other health care profession that needs transcription work completed.

Wage-and-Salary Transcriptionist

A medical transcriptionist's hours may vary depending on how the person is paid. Wage-and-salary transcriptionists are given a straight base pay. This base pay is on an hourly basis, with the worker allowed to put in extra hours for work-based incentives and benefits. These medical transcriptionists typically have more stable job security versus medical transcriptionists who work for specific service companies or who are independent contractors.

Independent Contractor Transcriptionist

A medical transcriptionist who works as an independent contractor or who is employed at a transcription service company is given a production-based pay. This medical transcriptionist is paid by the number of lines she transcribes, which may mean more or less work hours depending on how fast the employee can transcribe the dictated recordings.

Tags: medical transcriptionist, dictated recordings, Medical transcriptionists, physician dictated, Transcriptionist medical, Transcriptionist medical transcriptionist, transcriptionist works