Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Get Rid Of Black & White Heads

Blackheads and whiteheads can bother almost everyone at some time. To get rid of them you first have to understand what they are and what causes them. Simply put, whiteheads and blackheads are a type of acne called comedones and they are caused by clogged pores. Comedones are divided into two major categories, open comedones and closed comedones. Whiteheads are closed comedones. Some people describe them as looking like a small piece of rice under the skin. It seems that no matter what you clean your face with or how hard you squeeze them--please don't--a whitehead won't go away. Open comedones are blackheads. They are a little easier to deal with because they actually have an opening to exit through. Sometimes no matter how good your skin care regime is, you will get these pesky skin problems. They can cause your face to look dull and dirty. But there are solutions that you can use that cost little. Does this Spark an idea?


Cleanse Face

1. Gently clean your face with an exfoliating cleanser of your choice. Do not clean closer to your eyes than your cheek bones. You can feel the edge of the cheekbone with your fingers. Rinse well with lukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.

2. Find a comfortable area to sit with your face positioned over the facial sauna and allow the steam to open your pores for about 10 minutes.

3. Wipe your face with a warm moist washcloth and examine your skin in the magnifying mirror to determine where you want to start the blackhead removal process. Gently press the comedone extractor over the blackhead according to the manufacturers instructions. Be patient. It may take several tries to fully empty the pore of the debris causing the blackhead. It is also important to remember that to be fully effective you need to keep your pores open by re-steaming or laying a warm moist washcloth over your face intermittently until you are finished.

4. The same steps for blackhead removal applies to whiteheads, too. But with some important differences.

Since whiteheads are closed comedones it is impossible to extract the whitehead without creating an opening first. For this you will need to use a lancet tool. The lancet tool will have a sharp pointed end and a smooth loop at the other end.While looking in the magnifying mirror, gently lance the top of the whitehead and then switching to the looped end, press out the debris using the same method as you did for the blackhead. Again, be patient this may take a few tries to fully extract.

Tags: your face, closed comedones, face with, your face with, blackhead removal