Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Best Lingerie Templates

What makes you click on a link to buy something?

The best website templates attempt to look as if they've never been used before, by adding photos and marketing from your brands to give your page its own stamp in the marketplace. If you're starting an online lingerie store or hoping to raise the presence and profile of one you're already operating, pick a template designed to ooze style and sexuality with your merchandise on the pedestal.

Flash Intros

The consensus is mixed about the merits of including a Flash intro to a commercial website. Detractors decry the increased load times and system requirements; others say that a stylish video, perhaps provided from a maker of one of your lingerie lines, can lure someone to buy from your site much better than a static image can. Many of the best websites, but not necessarily the best lingerie sites, include these types of intros. You decide -- since a template to include such an intro video will cost about $100 extra or more, not including the cost to produce a video if one isn't provided by one of your manufacturers.

Basic Style

The best lingerie websites will combine organization and originality, just like the most critically lauded websites in general. Ranging from $40 for a simple single font/single photo box lingerie storefront to several hundred for a Flash-augmented, multi-photo presentation to lure new customers closer to your checkout area, you get what you pay for. Peruse the dozens of lingerie store templates from three companies listed in the Resources section, and see what sites lure your eye the best. A basic style point is combining two fonts -- a sarif for large type and sans sarif for small -- to blend corresponding elements. Another key organization element on the best templates is how they box different types of items -- like thongs from teddies -- to narrow down your customers' preferences.

More Advanced Style Points

Compare your site to others doing the same thing. Lingerie sites pepper the Internet, from ramshackle eBay storefronts with just a few items to elaborately crafted customer hubs. Make sure yours isn't in the former category by investing in a template that mimics successful sites. Some templates from companies like Brobst Systems or Entheos Templates highlight one central image or theme that breaks down into categories logically with, say, the use of a model's body that, when customers click on its different parts, will lead them to different types of lingerie. Try to have creativity and cohesiveness combined in your template.

Design Your Own

The best lingerie store templates are one of a kind, and that means you've designed yours yourself. Though you can buy ready-made templates from a number of reputable vendors, other sites allow amateurs without HTML knowledge to craft original sites with their merchandise and marketing materials (see Resources for one design-it-yourself option). This will allow you not only to push the envelope as far as your own scruples will allow, but also to develop a website guaranteed to be yours and yours alone.

Tags: lingerie store, templates from, best lingerie, different types, from your, lingerie store templates, store templates