Thursday, June 20, 2013

Detect Skin Cancer In Dogs

Skin cancer is common in dogs - early detection is the key to successful treatment. Read the following steps to learn spot the disease in the initial stages of development.


1. Examine your dog monthly, at least. Check for tumors, areas of color change, or scaly, crusty lesions.

2. Use your fingers to separate the hair and look closely at the skin beneath.

3. Locating new growths or a change in color or size of an existing growth calls for continued observation and a call to the veterinarian for advice.

4. Finding tumors that bleed easily or areas that refuse to heal is reason for concern.

5. Noting her continually licking at an area should prompt closer examination.

6. Spotting a swelling in the breast tissue or discharge from a nipple calls for a veterinary examination at once. Remember to check under her tail for any suspicious lumps or areas of discoloration.

7. Check her mouth. Look for masses or tissue that seems different from surrounding areas.

8. Report all things that are not normal to your veterinarian right away.
