Thursday, June 20, 2013

What Are The Treatments For Squamous Cell Cancer In White Cats

Squamous cell cancer in white cats is a malignant tumor on the skin. It's most commonly caused by sunlight exposure. There are many treatments available if a cat is found to have squamous cell cancer.


It's important to know the symptoms of squamous cell cancer in order to provide proper diagnosis and treatment. The symptoms are slow-healing sores, red spots on the skin, hair loss and crusty lesions.


Surgery is one possibility in treating squamous cell cancer. This removes the cancerous cells from the affected area and helps prevent spreading of the cancer cells.


Cryosurgery--exposure of the cancer cells to extreme cold--is another option.


Chemotherapy is a treatment for squamous cell cancer. This is generally used for cancers that are more advanced and may have spread.

Pain Medication

Pain medication is used to alleviate the pain associated with the cancer as well as with the cryosurgery, surgery and chemotherapy.

Tags: cell cancer, cancer cells, cancer This, cell cancer, cell cancer This, squamous cell, squamous cell