Monday, October 12, 2009

What Equipment Do Cardiologists Use

Cardiologists use defibrillators on heart attack patients.

Cardiologists are doctors who specialize in the heart and blood vessels. They use a variety of equipment to aid them in diagnosing and treating heart disease. They also have emergency equipment to aid patience who suffer from a heart attack.


Cardiologists often use electrocardiographs (also known as ECGs) to measure the heartbeat by recording the electrical impulses in the heart. This is especially helpful in determining whether or not there is an abnormal heartbeat (arrhythmia) present.

Ultrasound Equipment

Ultrasound equipment, such as echocardiographs, allow for the examination of a patient's heart in much the same way that they allow for the observation of a fetus in a womb, which is their other primary medical use.


Defibrillators are used by cardiologists on patients who are having a heart attack. It supplies electrical energy to the heart in an attempt to jump start the heart into once again beating properly.


Cardiologists often run stress tests on patience to increase their heart rate. This allows them to better check for arrhythmia or other potential abnormalities in the heartbeat. In order to achieve the necessary stress on the heart cardiologists have patients run on treadmills.


Ventilators are used to help patients to breathe properly, and they are necessary in some cases of heart attack when the breathing has been affected.

Tags: heart attack, Cardiologists often