The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses the Clean Automotive Technology program for the purpose of researching, evaluating and developing advance vehicle engines and drive train technologies in order to help them to produce less pollution. This is one of many organizations that have the goal of improving automotive technology through research and development.
National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (NVFEL) is a part of the EPA and one of its purposes is to test vehicles, engines and fuel for determining laws and manufacturing standards for vehicle emissions. Its work is performed on cars, trucks, buses and heavy trucks.
United States Council for Automotive Research LLC (USCAR) helps the automotive industry with research and development in areas of technology, research investments and quality improvement. It partners with auto manufacturers to carry out these objectives. USCAR conducts research and offers technical development in areas such as fuel cells and hydrogen vehicles.
GATE stands for Graduate Automotive Technology Education, and it's a program that is offered at various universities such as the Ohio State University and the University of California. GATE is designed to educate and train future engineers in five key areas of vehicle technology such as fuel cells and advance energy storage. GATE is funded by the Department of Energy and it trains and educates future engineers through research and development programs.
Tags: research development, Automotive Technology, development areas, fuel cells, future engineers