Monday, October 11, 2010

Dissolve Calcium Deposits In The Body

Calcium deposits are just what they sound like -- small clusters of calcium in the body. These unsightly, and sometimes painful, white clusters can occur anywhere from the stomach to the nails to the arms. Before trying to treat your deposit at home, however, it is important to go to the doctor. There may be a more serious reason why your body is not absorbing calcium, such as kidney problems or bone disease.


1. Go to your doctor. Talk to her about reasons why you are not absorbing calcium. Ask for a blood test to see your calcium and vitamin D levels (vitamin D helps you absorb calcium, so it is essential that you have a sufficient amount).

2. Decide with your doctor your course of treatment. For pain and swelling from calcium deposits, place an ice pack on the affected area. If the pain is intense, talk about corticosteroid injections to help reduce it.

3. Begin a regimen of calcium and vitamin D. In addition to adding supplements, try to find foods high in calcium and vitamin D and add them to your daily meal plan. Some suggestions include milk, cheese and yogurt.

4. Soak some brown paper in a bottle of apple cider vinegar, for a more alternative approach. Fasten a piece of paper to the affected area with a bandage, leaving it on at all times. Repeat every day until you feel the deposit has disappeared.

5. Call your doctor immediately if the pain becomes intense or unbearable. For large deposits, surgery may be required.

Tags: calcium vitamin, your doctor, absorbing calcium, affected area