Monday, October 18, 2010

Replace A Deflated Saline Breast Implant

Breast implants are common. The science and technology behind breast implants has come a long way since their inception. Today there are many different choices of profile and size, but the two primary options for implant type are still saline and silicone. Saline implants that were placed before the advent of today's modern implants have a tendency to leak and become deflated. Replace deflated saline breast implants by seeking medical advice, selecting the best replacement implant and shopping for the surgeon and price that meets your needs.


1. Research the pros and cons of silicone and saline implants. The risks of implant surgery aren't what they once were due to modern technology that decreases the chance of leakage and deflation. However, some risks still are associated with implants. The final outward appearance of your implants will also differ depending on the type of implant chosen.

2. Select a surgeon and medical center that you feel comfortable with and able to meet your cost and procedural needs. Surgeons charge varying amounts to replace an implant. Generally, surgery to replace an implant costs less than initial placement. Consider your health, the amount of leakage and deflation that has occurred and what you'd like the final outcome to be before selecting a surgeon.

3. Seek medical advice from your general practitioner before electing to have implant-replacement surgery. You should have a physical conducted by a doctor who is not associated with the cosmetic surgeon just to ensure your body, health and interests are protected. You also may elect to have an ultrasound or mammogram to detect implant leakage. If you are completely healthy, then you can decide whether to go ahead with the cosmetic procedure without any unnecessary risks to your health.

Tags: associated with, leakage deflation, medical advice, replace implant, with cosmetic, your health