Thursday, October 21, 2010

Recovering From Breast Augmentation

Saline Breast Implants

Although breast augmentation has become a fairly routine procedure, it is still a surgical process that requires adequate research, preparation and recovery time. Most women consider themselves to be fully recovered about a month after having breast augmentation surgery. Most women recover from breast augmentation without any problems; however, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon if you have any questions or concerns while recovering from your surgery.


Recovering from Breast Augmentation

1. Follow your doctor's instructions. Your doctor will send you home from your breast augmentation wearing a surgical compression bra. You will also have an ace bandage wrapped tightly around your chest. The ace bandage can be removed in 24 hours. The compression bra, however, should be worn for a week after your surgery except when showering.

2. For the first few days, get plenty of rest. For at least two or three days following your surgery, sleep propped up in bed or in a recliner so that you can lay at a 45 degree angle. This will help to minimize swelling. Don't engage in activities that will cause you to overexert yourself and if possible, have a family member or friend stay with you to help with getting up and moving around.

3. Eat light meals. Eat small meals and snacks for 48 to 72 hours after your breast augmentation. This will help you avoid the nausea ans upset stomach that many people experience when they eat large meals too soon after receiving anesthesia.

4. Prepare yourself for some discomfort. Expect some swelling, bruising and soreness in your breasts for about 1 week after the augmentation. This is perfectly normal after this type of surgery. Although all women experience some soreness and discomfort, larger implants usually mean a bit more soreness in the chest muscles.

5. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and pain medication for you. Take the antibiotics as instructed until they are gone to prevent any infection at the site of your incisions. If you are in pain, do not hesitate to take the pain medicine in accordance with the directions on the bottle.

6. Get moving. It is important to return to your normal daily activities as soon as you can after your breast augmentation. Although you should be back up to your normal activity levels fairly quickly, you should not lift heavy objects or exercise for 3 weeks after your surgery.

7. Remember to set a follow up appointment with your doctor a week after surgery to check on your progress and make sure you are healing as expected. During this visit, your doctor will likely show you some massaging exercises that will help to keep your breasts looking natural. Depending on the type of stitches used in your operation, they will be removed at this time if the doctor feels you are properly healed.

Tags: after your, your surgery, breast augmentation, doctor will, week after, will help, your breast