Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Health Care & Medical Terminology

Thousands of medical terms exist, and they can be hard to decipher. Remembering some of the common prefixes used in medicine may help you decipher the meaning of medical terminology.


"Hema" and "hemo" refer to the blood. Hematology is the study of blood, and hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine, according to


"Poly," in medicine, refers to the excess of something. Polydactyly is an excess number of fingers or toes, and polydipsia is an excessive thirst.


The prefix "psych" refers to the mind and mental processes. Psychiatry is the study and treatment of mental disorders, according to, and the term "psychopath" refers to someone with a mental illness characterized by a lack of empathy for others.


Medical definitions involving rapidity start with "tachy." Tachycardia is a rapid heartbeat, while tachypnea refers to rapid breathing.


The prefix "bact" refers to bacteria. Bacteremia is bacteria in the blood, and bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine.

Tags: according FamilyDoctor