Friday, July 29, 2011

Deal With Breast Engorgement

Breast engorgement is painful if not treated. Engorgement of breasts occurs when they are overfilled with milk due to the imbalance between your baby's feeding and your milk production. Your breasts will become warm and firm. You might also have flu-like symptoms due to breast engorgement.


1. Make sure that at least one of your breasts is empty after each feeding. Use a machine pump or hand expression to extract the residual milk after each feeding.

2. When you have breast engorgement, the nipples are flattened and it is difficult for your baby to latch on correctly. A proper latch-on will help your baby to get enough milk and reduce the risk of nipple soreness.

3. Gently massage your breasts when feeding your baby. Massage during a shower also helps. Wear a comfortable nursing bra.

4. After feeding, apply ice packs to your breast to reduce swelling. Take a warm bath or use a warm cloth to apply on the areola. Warm showers also help to release milk from your breasts.

5. Take pain medications if necessary. Both Tylenol and Advil are safe for breast feeding.

Tags: your baby, your breasts, after each, after each feeding, breast engorgement, each feeding