Friday, July 8, 2011

Types Of Breast Tumors

A tumor is a lump that is formed by cells in the body. Breast tumors are not uncommon and can be found during self-exam, mammography, sonography or at checkup. There are different types of breast tumors. Lumps can be large or small, soft or hard. The vast majority are not cancerous.


Fibrocystic changes refers to a condition that can result in fluid-filled lumps or cysts. Fibrocystic tumors can change in size during different times of a women's monthly cycle.


Fibroadenomas are solid, benign tumors. They are lumps made up of glandular and fibrous tissue.


Papillomas are small lumps that are wart like. They grow near the nipple, within the mammary ducts.


Malignant tumors continue to grow regardless of the monthly cycle. They invade and destroy the normal tissue around them.


It is impossible to tell from look or feel if a breast tumor is cancerous. All lumps should be checked by a physician who will determine if there is a need to biopsy it.

Tags: monthly cycle